FIC: Promise (1/1)

Jan 29, 2007 16:04

Title: Promise
Author: Jacosta3 (Jan)
Pairing: Kevin, Tommy
Rating: PG-13 ish
Summary: Tommy makes Kevin a promise.
Disclaimer: The show and the characters do not belong to me.
Spoilers: Up to midseason 1. This also in a small way ties in with my previous story where Kitty and Kevin have fallen out due to her working for McCallister.

When Tommy asked Kevin over for dinner, Kevin assumed there must be some surprise party, wedding, funeral, or sex tape in the pipeline. Thankfully the only nasty surprise was a rubbery casserole left in too long while Julia and Tommy were helping to ease her pregnancy hormones.

While Julia took a nap, Kevin and Tommy watched "the game". Kevin wasn't entirely sure why big bruisers in tight pants tackling each other and grabbing each other's backsides was so fascinating to straight men; the last time Kevin himself had enjoyed a football scene was something involving Falcon Video and gangbang jocks. Fortunately, Tommy had free beer, and Kevin believed free beer could unite even the bitterest of enemies. Free beer, and throwing large, heavy objects at Paris Hilton.

Not that Tommy and Kevin were enemies. They'd never been the closest of the Walker siblings, but they loved each other, they were family, that was all that mattered. Perhaps this was about Kevin's decision to - after some reluctance - grant Tommy's request and donate his sperm to Julia. Kevin shifted uneasily on the couch as he wondered what inquisitions or indignities or awkward huggy moments he might face under the guise of chewy casserole and free beer.

"You OK, Kev?"

Only then did Kevin realize he'd been staring into space for a solid 10 minutes.

"Sorry. Just trying to avoid saying something horribly stereotypical like, 'Don't they all have such nice asses,' or, 'I just love when they score a home run, but when do they put the ball in the hoop?'"

Kevin glanced at Tommy to see if Tommy bought his cover, but Tommy was too busy fidgeting his own personal fidget. Kevin noticed Tommy trying to get something out. Tommy was always very intense (since the rest of the Walkers were so carefree and easygoing), and although years in the family business had improved his skills immensely, still had a poor poker face. When they were kids, any schemes or tricks fizzled out as soon as their mother had a chance to grill Tommy. Her words echoed in Kevin's ears.

"Telephone, telegram, Tele-Tommy."

Tommy smiled, nervously.


"You have something to say to me, Tommy. I can see it all over your face. Right beside the ketchup stain."

Tommy wiped the stain away with his meaty paw of a hand.

"Kitty's the one who can't keep secrets..."

Tommy paused as he remembered Kitty and Kevin weren't on the best of terms right now. Kevin, damn good at a poker face when he had to be, had no reaction, so Tommy pressed on.

"I just wanted to...fuck, I don't know how to say it, men aren't the ones who say stuff like this...I had this time with us because I wanted to say thank you."

Kevin began to inwardly wince again. He didn't like talking about this.

"What about Justin?"

"Justin too, but he wanted to help us. I know how hard this was for you, Kevin. I just wanted this to be for us."

Kevin waved his hand with a forced amount of carelessness.

"I donate sperm all the time. The hot guy at the gym who looks like that stud from the Horatio Hornblower movies, big deal."

Kevin looked down at his hands. Suddenly he was the one with the melting poker face.

"Kev, I just want you to know - cause I never had a chance to tell you, Sarah went way out there on a limb at dinner and I was as pissed as you were, I should've said something to her, but then the whole family got involved and we got our usual Walker clusterfuck - why I wanted you to be...the one. Geez, that sounds gay. Oh shit, I didn't mean..."

Kevin briefly looked up from his hands.

"I know what you meant, Tommy. Don't go all PC on me, you're the only conservative in the family I'm still on speaking terms with. I know why you picked me. I'm not a drug addict. I'm gay and childless. If Justin were clean, he would have been your only choice."

Tommy vehemently shook his head, like he'd been waiting for this answer.

"No! Justin's problems were part of it, but Kevin, I picked you because you're the smartest man I know, because you're driven and focused, most of all because you always put your family first...even when we don't deserve it."

Kevin looked up at Tommy now, the way he'd looked up to him when he was a little boy, before he realized just how different he and Tommy were, and assumed the different paths life would take them on meant they were never going to be that close again.

"Kevin, I never told anyone this, but when I found out you were gay, I used to pray every night that it was all some mistake. I always felt sorry for you, for what you wouldn't have. I was wrong. I'm proud of you, Kevin. I asked you to help me because of how great you are, and even though I want to smack you in the head sometimes, I love you so much. I'm going to love this kid so much, Kevin, and I just want to promise you, if my kid tells me he's gay, then I'll love him and support him and fight for him every step of the way. I'll do my best to make sure he doesn't hate himself or feel like he's lost something in life. I won't let him feel the way you had to feel, Kevin. I will be there for him every day of my life, and I know you will be too. As his godfather. I'm going to ask Justin too, but you're the first. I..."

Kevin finally managed to find his way off the couch.

"Tommy, please shut up. Otherwise, I'm going to start crying, and my eyes get puffy. If real men don't eat quiche or cry, they certainly don't get puffy eyes. And the answer is yes!!"

Tommy pulled Kevin into a long Tommy Walker bear hug. The two brothers had never felt closer, and the occasion was such that, for the first time in his life, Kevin Walker was speechless.

When they finally ended their brotherly embrace, all Kevin could think of to diffuse the atmosphere of open emotions and affection was to awkwardly punch his brother on the arm. Tommy clumsily wiped his tears with the back of his hand, and grabbed a football off the mantle.

"C'mon, LITTLE brother, we're going to throw the ball around outside."

"Tommy, I don't..."

"Then you better learn how, cause my boy's gonna kick your ass."

Kevin smirked. "How do you know it's going to be a boy?"

"OK. Then my girl's gonna kick your ass."

Kevin could only pause at the mental image.

"Very well. Just be warned, Tele-Tommy, that I have a black belt in briefcase."

fan fiction, brothers & sisters

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