read this Holly

Dec 04, 2004 00:48

benshotrob: y are u movin in with travis's gf?
XXjacobnothingXX: because her and I are good friends
benshotrob: how good?
benshotrob: are you trying to steal her from travis
benshotrob: now this is not ben
XXjacobnothingXX: LMAO!!!11oneone if you're implying that I'd do that, you're an idiot.
benshotrob: it is some onelse
XXjacobnothingXX: i would NEVER betry travis
benshotrob: hey mother fucker i dont know who in the fuck you are talking about
benshotrob: dont call ben an idiot
XXjacobnothingXX: im =calling whoever implied I'd steal holly from travis an idiot.
benshotrob: good that would probablly be a good idea
XXjacobnothingXX: so please reframe from profanities
benshotrob: ok then me
XXjacobnothingXX: Who are you?
benshotrob: you act like we are all blind it is obviouse you have the hotts for holly
benshotrob: so be real
XXjacobnothingXX: *laughs*
benshotrob: not funny
benshotrob: we all see it
benshotrob: ask tammy
XXjacobnothingXX: are you too scared to tell me who you are?
benshotrob: no i am not but i figure that you dont really need to know
XXjacobnothingXX: and to inform you, it was Travis's Idea for us to move intogether
XXjacobnothingXX: So maybe, before you get you accuse someone of something, you should know the whole truth.
XXjacobnothingXX: I asked both travis and Holy to move in
XXjacobnothingXX: Travis would not move in without tracy...the house can only support 3 people. SO travis told holly to move in with me
benshotrob: I just think that it is a little stange that you two are moving intogether
XXjacobnothingXX: and he's going to crash there until he finds a job
XXjacobnothingXX: and my GIRLFRIEND is going to be staying there
XXjacobnothingXX: on the weekends and whenever she can
benshotrob: ok whatever jsut be good
benshotrob: bye
XXjacobnothingXX: I'd never hurt travis
benshotrob: ok

This upsets me, do people really think I want to steal Holly from Travis? Sorry but I couldn't do that to Travis.
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