so... my friend is a huge blackwater fan and she wants to convert me. i have to admit i'm not convinced on the pairing. mainly because it reminds me of when this same friend fangirled over two bickering friends in a kid's show, saying they were obviously perfect for each other (they were never together. they discovered they were half-siblings, and the kid got a girlfriend who he even sang a song to. lol.
back to J/L, i'm not opposed to them. i loved their relationship... but because they never materialized in the book i never actively shipped them i guess.
so girls enlighten me about jake/leah, tell me why they're perfect for each other :D i also crave fanfiction. so give me the best blackwater fics. and tell me... do your friends like blackwater too... or are they against the pairing?
i hope this is ok to post, and that i'm not going too offtopic *blushes*
PD: i found the song the kid sang to his girlfriend and i need to share it with someone. it's too cute! it's the only one i found with subtitles
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