Looking for a Leah (or a Jacob)

Dec 27, 2009 23:13

Hello everyone!  I'm new t this awesome comm, but not to the pairing.

Mods, if this is not okay to post, I apologize in advance and will delete it.

I'm looking for a Leah or a Jacob (I'm happy playing either one) to do a one-on-one Twilight role play with.  I have a story in mind, (Post-Eclipse, pre-Renesmee, unexpected imprinting) but I'm open to changing it or tweaking it.  I can do email rps, LJ rps, or Google message or AIM rps, whatever you prefer.

Basically I'm just looking for someone whose fairly literate and will contribute to the story, and who might be willing to play more than one character in order to advance the story. I prefer one-on-one rps because I want the heart of the story to be Leah/Jacob, but I understand the need to bring other characters in to add tension).

Anyway, if anyone's interested, let me know.




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