Heyy guys, I'm not sure if this is allowed to be posted or anything, so if you have any problems with it, I apologize in advance.
I was just wondering who you all wanted to have play Leah now that they've announced that New Moon will be made into a movie. Yes, I know that she is barely in New Moon, but I assume that they'll put her in there.
Here is
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• Someone who looks like Tonantzin Carmelo (Tongva), who maybe a wee bit too old to play Leah herself
• Tamara Feldman (part Cherokee/Mexican)
• Carolina Hoyos (She's Quechua)
• Kim Snyder
• Kimberly Littlejohn (Cherokee)
• Crystle Lightning (Plains Cree)
• But my personal favourite is Della Sawanash. Everybody e-mail her agent and tell her she should audition for the part!
In my head Leah is kind of tough looking and Tamara has that (or looks like she could have that) but Della looks more native american.
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