With Rita bearing down on us as a big cat 5, I'm evacuating out.
I've always said that I would leave once a storm got above a Cat 3. Well, here we've got it. Where I live would probably be all right, but why sit through the misery? We didn't flood during Allison, so that's good, but the parking lot did, and I like my car. As well, this thing is just fucking huge. It's rather creepy, really.
So much is sold out. No water. Gas is hard to find (I topped off at a shop-n-rob that had no line, but only premium gas left.) No toilet paper. Canned goods are clearing out. Of course, generators and plywood is gone. It's really bizarre.
So I'm heading to my parents house early tomorrow morning, with the dog and cat. The cat is going to hate me, as I believe that we'll have 8 dogs there.
Want to see the fun we have? Take a look at our
traffic hell. Red is bad. I'm planning on utilizing my road atlas and taking the back roads to my parents in La Grange. I'm not sure how much better than will be, but it will make my mom happy, and the house is over a hundred years old and has withstood storms before, so.... Plus, we can all run north if need be. Assuming the Colorado River doesn't trap us. :P
For another creep-out, take a look at the
satellite picture. Both Randy and I swore upon seeing it.
But I admit, I find hurricanes to be enormously beautiful.
Even if they're scary as hell.
And I'm off to pack up.