Oct 17, 2006 05:00
So I had this really messed up dream a few nights ago, but I was woken by a phone call or something. Anyway, when I woke up, it was all very vivid so I typed it out so I wouldn't forget it. I will try and describe it in some sort of comprehensible manner.
Read was driving back to Kansas with me for some unknown reason. We discussed Ms. Kiger's house. (She's the widow of an old orchestra teacher I had in 5th grade.) He was trying to impress all these music business people by saying he plays and works for Jesse Jackson, even though he had only recently spoken with Jesse about joining the crew and nothing had actually happened with him yet. I was super annoyed with him and thought he was a tool for it, but he didn't know that.
We stopped in Tito, Kansas (which doesn't exist) which was some town between Wichita and Newton (but it's closer to Newton). Outside of some beat up white shack in the middle of nowhere field were Helen, James from the Rat, and Ivy. (You have to realize that all these people in my dream are random people that are in no way socially related.) James and Helen and I were discussing going to the zoo while we were home, but I had a dentist appointment early the next morning was which at 8am on a Saturday.
Other unrelated parts of the same dream include me going to see Orlando Ryan at work, which was this restaurant in a long wooden cabin that had a rollercoaster going through it. Then later I was walking through some neighborhood that might resemble a cross between Celebration (that creepy town near Orlando) and a scene from To Kill a Mockingbird. Anyway, so John Lennon picked me up in his car (yes, THE John Lennon), and we were talking. I can't remember if he had an accent or not. But we spoke like we had known each other for awhile. Then he puts his hand on my leg and leans in closer like he's really into what I'm saying and we discuss Phuc (who is an aquaintance from high school in real life). Then he asks me if I had ever considered dating Phuc and alludes to the fact that Phuc liked me.
If that dream isn't random and cracked out, I don't know what is. It was really vivid when I woke up though and I remembered a lot of random details that seemed important at the time. I wonder if it means anything and if I had eaten something different that night.