so today was boring... my dad and my stepmom have finally given my brother a name, Jetson, yes like the cartoon i don't like it either. Anyways i went to the hospital and was there praticlly all day. Good news he's getting bigger and he gained 10 grams, so he's almost 3 pounds. When he can eat by himself he can come home. Today he got to be kangarooed. which is when he lays on the mothers bare chest and it keeps him warm. we cant just hold him because he's too small and his body heat drops along with his heart rate, so thats why they have to do the kangaroo thing. Anyways he's doing fine and thats all for the baby update. here's some pis of him
He had a bunch of tubes hooked up to him, so thats whats on his cheek, it was the tape holding the tubes, as the days go on he can get them taken away, right now he has to eat through his nose, its really weird.
here's his little home for now....
ok thats all :)