A California issue, sure to be a national issue- I did not write this-

Oct 11, 2008 13:27

What are we if not equal?
Who are we if we do not fight for what's right?
When, if not now?

Fear-mongers will tell you that your children are in danger. They will tell you that we are hell sent to infect them with a lewd and degenerate disease. They will tell you that there is no God in our hearts. They will tell you that there is no love in our soul. They will tell you that the innocence of our society depends on keeping us down.

They will tell you anything to scare you into hating us.

In 1924, The Racial Integrity Act felonized marriage between whites and non-whites. It wasn't until 1967 (43 years later) that caucasians and others could legally marry. What a waste of time, yes? Indeed, it seems absurd now. But here we are again. The same bigotry of love has risen it's ugly head and aimed its narrow eyes at Same-Sex couples.

If two consenting adults are able to find love in this violent and violating world of chaos and placidity, who are they to deny those couples the right to celebrate love in a legal and binding ceremony? Why should the government have that interfering power? Don't they interfere in our lives enough already?

Besides, isn't the point of the Conservative morality thesis to get us closer to positive values? Isn't marriage supposed ensure monogamy thus minimizing the debauchery they claim to fear? Wouldn't it be more logical to allow everyone to stand before God and take vows of love?

Or is this opposition just another veiled form of hate?

If you're like me, you will refuse to accept this ugliness anymore. We can make a difference. We can VOTE.

Don't let the bigots and fear-mongers control our nation one moment longer.

Go to the polling station on Nov. 4th - and do your part to keep America the land of the Free.

We can vote NO to HATE.

We can vote NO to PROP 8.
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