It's time

Jul 04, 2010 19:51

I concur. This truly is the greatest country in the world… and that fucking sucks. There was a time when I was very patriotic. That time has passed. Even the times when I did love my country I can now look back and say "I must have been out of mind."
This place makes me furious. Politicians have always talked about how free of a country we are, they say it as if to convince themselves more than anything else. They love talking about freedoms and how unlimited they are. It is all such bullshit.
Let's look at how full of shit we are. The same assholes that declared "all men are created equal" owned slaves. Kinda makes you scratch your head doesn't it? Then they used the bible to justify their right to own slaves(if you don't believe the bible condones slavery then go read Levitucus. Some loving god that is.)
Now, I will agree that I am able to make this post without fear of the government coming in to my house and killing me. But I shouldn't even have to be thankful for the freedom of speech. Politicians always hold that over our head don't they? Bush said we have the freedom of speech but then did the wire tap thing and anything you said that was deemed anti-government could potentially put you on a government watch list. Then Obama talks about how we have free speech but then urges the supreme court that when the times comes to give the FCC the right to censor the internet because there is just "too much information out there".
See what politicians do is take away our freedom a small piece at a time. But they always do it for the same reason, "to protect the people of the United States." And we fucking go along with it just to feel safe. Safety isn't real folks. Ask the people that died on 9/11 how fucking safe they feel. We had airport security before then and it was such a fucking hassle. But they hassle you so much that you thought "Well surely I am safe, they are so thorough that nothing will ever happen." Then boom, the towers fell.
But back to the "freedom" of speech. It doesn't exist. If it did exist then there would be no such thing as "politically correct". It is bullshit. The whole idea is trying not to offend. But no matter what you say you will always offend somebody. Saying "God bless America" offends me. I think it is pointless. Not to mention, I am an atheist so I believe their is no god to do any blessing of anything. Plus, It is just a dumb thing to say. But not saying it really pisses off the Christians. So what the Fuck do you do? It isn't PC to say it, it isn't PC not to say it. You are offending someone no matter what. So the only way to be PC is to not say anything, which completely goes against the first amendment.
So what I am saying is this: Happy 4th of July!
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