Apr 06, 2010 05:16
Since I have nothing going on to post about I have decided to start something new. I am just going to post random posts from various blog sites I stumble across and pretend they are mine. I don't know these people or anything about them but we will just pretend that the things they post about are actually happening to me. So here we go:
Saturday! my favorite of the 7! Got my start at round 11 with a lil Americano, then took to the arduous task of cleaning my car… I got the interior spotless and then took it to get washed. It rained 20 minutes later…
I went on a lil’ hike through south mountain today, it was raining there too. It was nice. as was the company.
for some reason we had more wings tonight. 50 to be exact. and we had sex with an alligator again… but this time it wasnt that good. Also Andie has my name tattooed on her wrist…(girls sometimes do crazy things)
did some other things…
Later I was off to try and convince a girl that she REALLY did like Beer by having some amazing brews at Bj’s Brewery before watching “Boondock Saints II: All Saints Day” But… she went to the wrong movie theater across town and missed the beer drinking. The Movie was great though. I really enjoyed it and was very impressed that they did not fuck up the legacy that the original created. Bravo. This was Saturday…