- First off, not gay enough I could've used more Boosterly angst not gay enough! Really, I expected more of an emotional punch from Booster's best friend returning from the grave. I like that Booster was competent enough to recognize this is not Ted and deal with Zombeetle as an enemy only, but...is a little angst too much to ask? Little pink on the emotional spectrum? Hmph.
- boostle, I expect fanart/fic rectifying this!
- Jaime. ♥ Jaime is wonderful, and Jaime and Booster teaming up is wonderful. I really like the theme of "Jaime isn't Ted, but he's a damn good Blue Beetle" going on. Seriously, DC, team him up with Booster more! Also Renee so they can fight a robot shark
- I do love Rip secretly showing his fondness for Booster, but this "...dad." moment was almost exactly the same as the last one. Kinda took away the impact. I am looking forward to Booster's anger with Rip going somewhere, though.
- Where is Michelle, anyway?
- Beating Zombeetle with Ted's light gun: AWESOME.
- Ted's list of pranks and Boostle TV: adorable.
In sum, kind of disappointing, especially after the wonderful Booster/Beetle plot in the comic before. Booster seems to finally be getting over Ted's death (and poor thing, his first reaction being "WELL I CAN SAVE HIM FROM MAX NOW"), but dammit, I want Ted to come back! Booster's had a hell of a lot of character development on his own, but he doesn't have to slip into old habits if Ted comes back from the dead.
As for other comics, I kind of love Zombie Max, because it makes sense that he's evil if he's a zombie. I am terribly amused that he seems to have picked up Booster and Beetle's sense of humor.
...and the Ted Kord line was so horrible it was hilarious.
In other news, got roommate to talk about zombie bondage on the phone. Am possibly ruining her reputation.