Jul 02, 2005 14:08
So yesterday I visited my family. I surprised my mom at work and she gave me a hug and it was really sincere and made me feel good. I also got around town to see my uncle and grandfather, which was nice. Much as I do enjoy living on my own, it's nice to go home and visit from time to time. It's also good to be reminded that people still think about me and are happy to see me when I come around. While I was home I also made a frame for one of my paintings, which I will photograph and post when the sun isn't so bright. I'm all about photographing artwork outside, but not when it's so bright outside. So.
I made my life here ten billion times happier by bringing my knitting and my typewriter back with me. Oh, and also a case of Vinage seltzer (mandarin orange flavor). I did not realize when I came here that Vintage is either a regional thing or something that's just not popular around here. 12 liters of it should last me a little while, though it will be down to 11 by the time I leave for work today. Not being one to like soda, I had forgotten how fun massive amounts of carbonation can be!
Driving home last night I hit some really big thunderstorms. It rained so hard I could not see the road at all, and lightning bolts came down in front of me so bright that it was like a camera flash going off right in my face. I turned off the radio so I could listen to the thunder in addition to watching the lightning, and managed to get home alive. At least I had something to keep me from falling asleep.
In other news, you guys know what this renewed attachment to my typewriter means. I don't know exactly how I'm going to put this show together yet, but I'm doing what I can and working with this inspiration I've got.
In one week I will be on vacation, working outside for the weekend and then taking Doug to the beach for a week. I cannot wait to spend every day outside. I just cannot wait. I've been getting so restless lately, and since I don't have the time or means to travel for real right now I'm hoping plenty of time under the sky will help to tide me over.