Apr 24, 2005 13:15
Alpha Sig Formal was wonderful, and sooo necessary. I really needed to just relax, be social, and have fun. It's been a really rough semester and, having had this weekend, I feel better prepared to take on the last leg of it.
This year, it was at the Wyndam Drake in Oakbrook... the place was just ok, but we still had a great time. I loooved my [last-minute] dress, and felt beautiful and comfortable. I am completely in love with Brian, because he is wonderful. It was really nice to just be around my peers and just hang out... I feel like I never get to do that anymore. And it was even better to sleep cozily next to Brian mmmm :)
But yeah, overall wonderful evening, and I feel rejuvenated.
Tuesday Brian and I went to see Maroon 5, and they rocked my world. What awesome sexy music. Ran into a lot of people there too, which was cool/funny. But yeah they are definitely my favorite band right now.
So I am about 99% sure that I will not be running for reelection to President for next year. Don't get me wrong, I have loved the experience and am sooo glad that I did it... I would even love to do it again... it's just, the time/energy commitment is huge, and there is really very little I can do otherwise while I hold the office. Plus, I feel like I've lost a little part of me (my sanity? me time? what is it?) this year, in the chaos of it all, and I want to take some time and just be myself and a college student. Besides, it's not like I won't be doing anything! I'll still have all the other stuff I do going on.
The next couple of weeks are going to be insane, but I can't wait until school is over. I have finalized my summer plans!! I will for sure be working part-time as an intern for the Business Ledger, I will be the News Section Editor for the Orientation issue of the Leader (interesting, because I have been insanely pissed off at the Leader as of late. I don't want to talk about it.) I will also be taking a class to finish up my last gen ed... it's called History of Western Theater, and I don't really care at all about the subject, but the class is pretty sweet because it's like J-term in the month of June. It meets 3 times a week from June 6th through the 30th. Not too shabby. Usually summer school meets through early August... boo that would suck. Anyway, I really hope it's easy... that would be cool.
Ohh and Brian got a sexy internship with Senator Obama in his office downtown as Assistant Scheduling Coordinator, and I love him and am so proud :)
One thing I am NOT looking forward to this summer is my wisdom teeth extraction... the Monday after school ends, May 23rd. Sad. But I want to get it over with already.
Anyway that's the plan, and now I have to go finish this political theory paper that has been hanging over my head for far too long.