Tired. I may have not got out of bed before 11.30am this morning but I am still absolutely exhausted. All down to my daughter though I can hardly blame her. Somewhere along the line she picked up a case of the sniffles and that always means she can't sleep very well. Or alone. When she is ill she gets very clingy with me and my Better Half, needing lots of love and attention yet at the same time being very grumpy and irratable. Same as me when I am ill to tell the truth.
We knew yesterday evening she wasn't herself. Usually she is full of energy and very chatty and loving. Not yesterday. Though she looked like she wanted to just go to sleep she fought it and was just plain grouchy. Or as she when I or her mum am in a bit of a mood she had her grumpy pants on. All she really wanted to do was curl up on the sofa with one of us and watch the Tweenies. Again.
The Fizz tape of course. The pinkest, girliest of the Tweenies and her absolute favourite. AShe knows it off by heart and was quietly talking along with it until she drifted off to sleep and my Better Half decided to have an early night with her. At least that was the plan. Right up until went to bed she kept waking up every half hour with a little cough, nose running and asking for a drink. That contine=ued when I went to be until all of us just fell asleep fom sheer exhaustion.
Only to be woken up at 3am by my little girl, wide awake and quoting whole chunks of the dialogue. Funnily enough the first part of the tape is about Fizz trying to go to sleep so she was saying 'Go to sleep, Fizz' imitating Fizz's mother then saying 'Think happy thoughts' as Fizz says to try and get her to sleep. Very cute and I was both laughing and willing her to stop so she could go to sleep. She didn't. At least not for a while.
The result was me and my Better half slept long into the morning and woke up exhausted. My daughter woke soon after but typically she was alert, wide awake and feeling much better. Unlike me. I've been sniffing and blowing my nose all day. Typical.
Jack is feeling