Jul 08, 2009 03:03

Add all your songs in a playlist and then shuffle. Pick the first 15 songs and then add "in my pants" after their title. No cheating!

1. Here it goes again in my pants
2. Kakariko village in my pants
3. Disasterpiece in my pants
4. Ancient’s death in my pants
5. What if that guy from smashing pumpkins lost his car keys in my pants
6. Afraid this time in my pants
7. Swallow in my pants
8. Get this in my pants
9. Carnival in my pants
10. Get it faster in my pants
11. Lullaby in my pants
12. Bestrafe mich in my pants
13. Disposable teens in my pants
14. Vrienden in my pants
15. Come alive in my pants
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