Aug 09, 2004 20:29
I'm really bored right now so I'm gonna do the dreaded DAY LOG! Bum bum BUM!!
okay, I got up a little late today T.T Then had to mutilate my ear so I could put that anti-bacterial stuff in it. Damn that thing hurts at times. After I finally got my ear done I packed up and realized I didn't finish my Geometry homework so I say. "Thats okay, i'll do it on the bus home from school, its not due til tomorrow anyway." Then I grab my lunch and a cup of Rasin Bran and got in the car. On the ride to school my cereal tipped and I spilt it all over my moms car. T.T I already wasn't feeling well and had been troughly drugged. (Vitamin, asprin, allergies etc) This made me very upset for some reason. (damn drugs) So at about 7:14 I get to school. Where I talk to Chris for a minute before the damn thing goes boop. We have a bell on crack I swear. The fact that I had no classes with Chris today totally sucked because I only talked to him before school and after school for like 5 minutes total. So I head to BST. Where I am lucky enough to get a 24 gwam. whoop-de-do. *glare* Yes I actually went down from around 76 to 24! T.T Thats okay I brought it back up but the average for that lesson is really low T.T Then I go to Advisory. Plus = Connor sits next to me. Minus = someone thought I was a guy and called 'him' a freak. Great start. *sigh* We talked about Fundraising, Fieldtrips, and Clubs. From Advisory I went to Geometry. You know, the class I didn't think I had today. The one with the afformentioned homework assignment, that was in fact due today. *Sigh* The books in the back were bugging me again being casually tossed in rather than straight and neat. But I resisted the urge to straighten them. I sit down dreading the class. Mr. Hodge starts class by collecting homework and passing back the quiz. Which I got a fucking C on. Great just great! First week of school and already I have a Low B average. GAH! During the lesson Mr. Hodge yelled at me YET AGAIN for sleeping. I WASN'T EVEN SLEEPING GODDAMNIT!!!!!!!!!!! So then I proceed to break down and cry. So after Geometry I go to Spanish, which is all review and boring. then Lunch YAY! Connor and Oscar and Jamal and I sat together. it was cool. Then English which was okay but Brett was hyper and I had forgotten to read the story -.-' Then I talked to Chris and rode the bus home.
All in All not a great day. But not TOO horrible.