Mar 27, 2005 14:38
hello everyone !!
spring break was so awesome !!! i went to hawaiib/c we have a
house there we rent it out to ppl. also so if ur interested
or u know sumbody the go here:
okay ?? anyways..... i'l put up pics. some other time k ? t.t.f.n
i also just got back from woodranch with britney,hillary,sara,nick,jacob,and alyssa it was fun
gawsh hillary u had to leave me alone !!! argggg, oh well
nick and sara kept
feeding eachother(like always)it was kinda sick and
britney kept putting whip cream all over and in sara's
faCE that was kinda mean then we said it was sara's b-day
so we gott a free dessert but they asked 4 sara's i.d so
hillary said she didn't have
itso then we paid aND LEFTTT ---------------------------
the end
but that did really happen