Dec 14, 2004 19:19
I want to forget you
and i want to move on
I want to be happy again
I wanna accept the fact that your gone
I want to have fun
and hang out with my other friends
I want to stop this sadness
but the hurting never ends
I want to forget all the sweet things you said
and all the cute things you did
I want to get ova you
and stop acting like a little kid
Never have I been so childish
or acted so immature
I thought i could deal w/ all the pressure
but now im so unsure
You boggle my mind
and rip up my heart
and yet I still love you
I have from the start
*****************************************************************u CaN TeLL uR GuY u LuV HiM
AnD TeLL HiM ThAt u CaRe
BuT aLwAyZ ReMeMbEr uR fRiEnDz
CuZ iN ThE EnD ThEyRe ThE OnLy OnEs ThErE
GoD MaDe ThE EaRtHGoD MaDe ThE SkY
BuT WhEn He MaDe UHe MuSt oF BeEn HiGh
haha that one last one is funny!!lol
ThRu aLL ThE FiTeS We HaD
MaNy TiMeZ We aLmOsT sAiD GoOdByE
TiLL DeAtH CoMeS To My DoOr
AnD i CaNt BrEaThE AnYmOrE
TiLL DaRkNeSs CoMeS ANd iTz ThE EnD
i WiLL cOnSiDeR U My BeSt FRiEnD
i NeEd A GuY WiTh A BaD BoY sTyLe
WhOs SeXi SwEeT AnD KiNdA WiLd
A BoY WhO SeEs Me As HiS ReAsOn To BrEaThE
ThAtS eXaCtLy WhAt i NeEd
JuSt KeEp TaLKiNgStOp AnD StArE
LoOk Me iN ThE EyE AnD SeE iF i CaRe
ThRu aLL ThE FiTeS We HaD
MaNy TiMeZ We aLmOsT sAiD GoOdByE
TiLL DeAtH CoMeS To My DoOr
AnD i CaNt BrEaThE AnYmOrE
TiLL DaRkNeSs CoMeS ANd iTz ThE EnD
i WiLL cOnSiDeR U My BeSt FRiEnD
i NeEd A GuY WiTh A BaD BoY sTyLe
WhOs SeXi SwEeT AnD KiNdA WiLd
A BoY WhO SeEs Me As HiS ReAsOn To BrEaThE
ThAtS eXaCtLy WhAt i NeEd
JuSt KeEp TaLKiNgStOp AnD StArE
LoOk Me iN ThE EyE AnD SeE iF i CaRe
ok,hope u had fun reading!!! haha