1. in case you didn't know yet
raymi has the coolest blog around. read it, laugh about it, giggle at it, oogle her boobies, and in the end don't take it seriously, cause only party poopers do that
naughty james has a cool portfolio. it's photography.
3. i am going to try and better the art gallery at the 449 room. it's my new goal in life. i have become very interested in working in an art gallery or at a real estate firm. no idea why, just am.
4. i am addicted to the card game hearts. i have it on my phone and can't stop playing.
5. i hate interviewing and applying for jobs, it is such a pain in the ass. will someone just please hire me. prefferably loreal to whom i have just applied. they are located in nyc and i really want to live in nyc so it's perfect. besides, they probably pay well.