Your mods need you. Major spoilers etc. (Also eta again lmao, tired mod is tired, it's nearly midnight in the UK so please don't worry if I don't reply I am reading them all.)
Your co-mods were very angry with what just happened. Like us, I bet you were very angry at the season. We were promised Jack and Ianto, we were promised we would be happy. They have got rid of Gareth David Lloyd and yet again made RTD's mary-sue magical and the show all about her. I wouldn't have minded this, but the sheer fact the writers have the gumshon to decide that what the fans want is unimportant and that they are writers are going to write their story with no thought to their legions of fans. These fans have bought the merchandise, gone to the comms, bought the DVDS and as for myself, well I even advertised the radio books.
After several fan campaigns, we have all see the benefits. Shows have been saved and attention has been drawn to the plight. I was not only disappointed to see Ianto die, it was yet another kick in the teeth for the fans as RTD is wont to do, need we forget Owen, Tosh and even Donna from the Doctor Who series. As my co-mod pointed out, Ianto was killed so that Doctor Who would get Jack for the Christmas special. We weren't even given an I love you, which I'm sure would have helped.
So, we have a plan! Whilst other people sent tabasco sauce and peanuts, we are! Preferably sachets but whatever you can send that...well preferably wont go off in the post (We have no beef with the postal service..well I do but that's for another day! You can buy 200 sachet packets (I know Ianto hates instant, but we can't really send baristas.) between groups or whatever you can.
If you were irritated that fan favourites were randomly killed off, and also WTF HAPPENED TO MYFANWY. SRSLY, if you were digusted that the message seemed to be KILL YOUR FAMILY AND EVERYONE IS HAPPY, or the message that RTD's mary-sues will always be happy then please, join our campaign.
The address is:
BBC Wales, Broadcasting House, Llandaff, Cardiff CF5 2YQ
My co-mod also suggested putting 'PERSONAL - URGENT - HANDLE WITH CARE' on the top. And I know we might seem crazy here guys, but the threats some of you have made well, this is definitly the more peaceful version. If you want to add your own opinions in letters and whathaveyou, you're perfectly free to. explosives guys mmkay? XD
If anyone is up for this, please do leave us comments or your experiences! I think we can definitly show them that a show is meant for it's fans, it's not for writers to inflict what they want on their faithful audience.
Love n Peace
Eternalwings & lovelickhump
ETA: WE NOW HAVE A COMMUNITY, NO LAYOUT YET BY LOVELICKHUMP IS WORKING ON IT and also another edit, join the community and we will set it all up, don't send yet! XD