Title: Jack Harkness is Not Boring in Bed
Rating: NC17; your mother would not approve.
Pairing: Jack/Ianto
Summary: In the aftermath of Hurricane Fuck Up Ianto's Life, Ianto tries to parcel out exactly what is going on in his life.
Word Count: An amazing 6,157.
Authors Notes: This has been a project of both love and hate. It started out as a small
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Comments 61
Now, I suppose there's something I need to get started on, yeah?
And yes, I suppose you better get started on something right soon. I have no patience young lady!
*uses icon of OTP just for you*
*kisses* Thanks doll.
Also, um. Where is your icon from?
It's a quote from deu_sex_machina which are hilarious. Sadly, I have lost the credit so I've been hoping someone will see it and be all "OMG I MADE THAT" that way I can credit.
one little spelling thing that got me: "steal" should be "steel" for the cleaver bit.
"I have things I need to do here Sir." Ianto didn't bother continuing with, 'Like, you sir. Would you prefer in the chair, against the wall or would you prefer to be sprawled across the desk?'
-- frickin' fantastic.
"...before he did something foolish and naked."
-- see above
“I never discuss business with a clear mind.”
-- was just rewatching that episode. lovely reference.
Unfortunately, despite Owen's high probability of being a carrier of a great variety of diseases, nothing was catching.
-- hah!
thank you thank you! this made my night blushy and smiley!
Flushing furiously, Ianto turned off the coffee pot and hurried out of the small kitchenette before he did something foolish and naked.
I absolutly giggled here!
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