Whoohoo! I won my name back!

Jul 12, 2010 19:54

About a year and a half ago I wrote about how my personal domain name (jackwilliambell.com) was stolen by domain vultures. (Go read the sordid tale, I'll wait.)

So, basically I told them to choke on it. They sent me a few more emails trying to entice me to make another offer. I ignored them. I figured they could pay the money to renew the domain forever if they wanted to, but I wasn't giving in. In the meantime I registered my name with .net and .org TLDs (to keep those out of their slimy hands as well) and forgot about it.

Apparently they did choke on it -- and then spat it up. As part of something else I am doing I noticed that jackwilliambell.com was again available! So I snapped it up with the (entirely ethical) registrar I use and I now own my name in three flavors: .com, .net, and .org.

Just goes to show: sometimes you can win against the bastards. I just takes patience.

Next I need to figure out what I am going to do with it. Should I resurrect the sekret projekt? Should I do something else? What do you suggest?

business, stupid, update, meta, humancondition

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