Fandom: Stargate SG-1 (though could be most anything).
Rated: PG
Category: Drabble. Gen, humor. And, um, you pick the character, okay?
Season: Pre-series.
Spoilers: None.
Summary: Oh, I think this is a bit of crack, but it was fun. A scavenger hunt.
Note: Written when I lost my mind and decided to play with a random eight-word prompt of: Bus, Teddy Bear, Texas, Orchestra, Mulberry, Wallet, Increments, and Hardware.
I can’t believe I took a bus to Texas for this.
I mean, tickets to the orchestra was one thing, but the giant teddy bear? That’s going too far.
I’m still sick from the mulberry wine, and my wallet’s almost empty, so I think I’ll pull the plug before I get any crazier. Can’t add too many increments to that container before it runs over.
So I stop at the hardware store, looking for a folding shovel.
Good thing it’s the last item on the list for this scavenger hunt.
Otherwise, I’d be using it to dig my own grave.