Fandom 5K Donor Fic: Flashbulb Memory

Dec 05, 2013 11:17

Flashbulb Memory
Fandom: Firefly
Rated: PG
Category: Drabble. Humor. Zoe/Wash.
Season: Any, though likely post-BDM.
Spoilers: None.
Summary: Zoe didn’t remember dates very well, but that didn’t much matter.
Disclaimer: I’d happily buy the rights to Firefly from Fox. Just saying.
Note: This one was for MizB, a Browncoat I’d be happy to have at my back.


She knew the day she gave up on the notion of him bugging her.

She could pinpoint it exactly.

But she didn’t know the date.

No, this was more like how she knew she could hack it as a soldier the day she didn’t vomit when the guts of the guy next to her landed in her hair.

This was something she remembered by an action.

So, when Kaylee asked her one night, in a fit of nostalgia, how she knew she’d marry Wash, Zoe told her the truth.

She knew the day she bought that gorram awful tropical shirt.

fandom 5k, firefly, fanfic

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