You'll Be Safe Here

May 03, 2013 01:53

I love this piece of art. I first saw it over on Wil Wheaton's bloggity-blog, and I immediately saved it for posting later. Alas, tonight I am cleaning up my desktop, so here we are. Please clickie to embiggen, as the phrase goes. It's well worth it. See how many characters you recognize! It's a fun game, and I'm completely stoked to see Stargate represented.The message matters to me, too. The idea of being one of the ones that "get it" and finding other like-minded folk just makes me smile. Of course, the fact that my favorite ninja turtle is right up front doesn't hurt my enjoyment of this one bit, either. *grin*

The ones I picked out without any research (and thus only those I'm pretty darn sure of): Green Lantern, Peter Pan, Rocketeer, Martian Manhunter, Godzilla, He-Man, Lion-O, Indiana Jones, Gizmo, Sherlock Holmes, Optimus Prime, Iron Man, Robocop, Power Ranger, Racer X, Batman, Hulk, Thor, Malcolm Reynolds, Spider-Man, Cat Woman, Superman, Supergirl, Superboy, Sue Richards, Reed Richards, Johnny Flame, The Thing, Harry Potter, Wesley Crusher/Sparks McGee, Jean-Luc Picard, Robin, Captain Planet, Voltron, Iron Giant, Gandalf, Daredevil, Link, Spock, Luke Skywalker, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Hawkeye, Captain America, Black Widow, Dr. Strange, Aquaman, Captain Britain, Mr Incredible, Hellboy, The Flash, Wonder Woman, Black Panther, Marty McFly, Ghostbuster, Jack O’Neill, Raphael, Doctor Who, Storm, Cyclops, Wolverine.

EDIT: Apparently, there's a guide. I checked it out. I got all but two of mine right. I missed a few that I knew that I simply didn't see in the background, and some, of course, I just flat didn't know, but that was fun!

star wars, batman, firefly, captain america, comics, voltron, x-men, star trek tng, nonsense, star trek tos, teenage mutant ninja turtles, stargate sg-1, sherlock, avengers, thundercats, ghostbusters, harry potter

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