Fandom: Sherlock (BBC)
Rated: PG-13 (Language)
Category: 221B Fic. Gen. Lestrade POV. Lestrade, Sherlock.
Series: Two.
Spoilers: Hounds of Baskerville
Summary: Deny it all you want, Sherlock. Lestrade isn’t buying it.
Word Count: Why, 221 (and ending with a “B” word), of course!
I asked him once what he saw out there.
He dismissed me, of course. Told me it was nothing. That he’d seen the giant dog like the rest of us.
So I asked him why he’d started jabbering “it’s not you” repeatedly when grappling with Franklin.
Oh, but that got his attention. He gave me his patented “drop dead” look. I had to stop myself from laughing. After all, I’m just an idiot policeman to him. Me noticing that surely surprised his royal brilliance.
When he finally answered me, his usual disdain was back in place. He said I must have heard him wrong; that the mist had affected my memory.
He turned and left my office, coat flapping behind him.
I smiled, knowing I’d beaten him for once.
Because despite everything, I know what I heard. And more importantly, I know what I saw.
It was something I never thought I’d see, and the memory of it wiped the smile from my face.
Because Sherlock Holmes had been scared shitless, and I don’t want to imagine what could’ve caused that.
He saw something none of the rest of us did, and whatever it was, it terrified him.
He can deny it all he wants, but I’ve only got one thing to say to his insistence that he was fine.