wabbit's winter wonderland 3, day 4

Dec 28, 2010 21:26

OMFG. I had trouble coming up with an entry today, so I have spent the last hour and a half on YouTube. I've watched holiday vids featuring Stargate, Farscape, and Firefly. But nothing was really just making me LOL until I remembered that oldest fandom of mine. Star Trek.

Oh, what a mother lode that was. I watched several fun vids, but this one was the first one to make me clap my hands in joy and literally laugh out loud for realz. Oh, yes. For realz. And when I clicked the link advertised in the vid? Oh, sheer joy. Check it out!

No, really. I think I'm going to be listening to music on this site for ages! AGES!

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Starfleet Uniforms I have no words...I'm literally crying tears of laughter. ****ZOMG*****Eleventy! DOWNLOAD! NOW! NOW!

Think Like a Vulcan "And if another tried to take her from me, she'd invoke the rite of Kalifee."

It's the Mirror Universe "Cochran killing Vulcans, instead of saluting with his hand."

T.N.G. "Deanna to the left of me, and Riker to the right."

And just for lothithil  and lemonpiefirefly and me, Here On Shuttlepod One! "If not for the courage of Malcolm and Trip, the shuttle would be lost!"

I'm still listening, so this is bound to change, but so far, I've already found so many fun songs here that I know this guy is going to be jumping up my filker list very quickly! And I haven't even listened to most of the Christmas ones yet! Those I have heard have been fun, but the regular ones are too much to wade through and laugh at to even get there yet! Seriously, guys, do yourself a favor and have a listen. Gaters might like "Get in the Gate," and Ringers? There's "Frodo and Sam," too! (I liked both of these, but not as much as some of the Trek ones above. Seriously. I'm dying here!)

stargate sg-1, filk, stargate atlantis, lotr, www3, star trek general

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