Oct 24, 2009 13:48

When I returned from Dragon*Con last month, I was asked if I would be interested in writing a short piece on it for SFX magazine. My response? Hells yeah! I wrote the piece on a short deadline and completely forgot about it after a few days of freaking out because the mag was paying me for it.

In packing up a few last things for my trip, I threw the latest issue of SFX into my carry-on. Figured it would make good plane reading material. Then I remembered my article! My very first ever piece of paid writing was due to be in this issue! I opened the mag and found it! Right there on page 39 is little old me! Not just my words, but little old Jedi Chef me too!

Check it out!

Look Cleo! It's your lightsaber! I went with green after all! And that's my parade shot - I took it myself!

And check out the italics in the last line on the left. What does that say? I can't quite make it out. Blowncats Revolution? Something like that. Maybe mcdougherty or ceosanna can help?

Oh, and my very favorite werewolf (yes, more than Henry on Sanctuary and even Remus in Harry Potter), George from Being Human graces the bottom of this page! SWEET!

PS-I'm really leaving now, but you know...I haz iPhone, so...not really...

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sfx, writing, dragoncon, redemption

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