New Fic: Recycled

Jul 28, 2023 16:11

Dal grinned.

He’d been planning this for weeks, and finally, it was time.

He had to admit he’d been skeptical at first.

Having each member of the crew show off their favorite holodeck program (other than whatever one they’d already been subjected to when the holodeck malfunctioned to trap them) seemed like a waste of time, and more than a bit too personal for his tastes.

But Janeway had said it would boost morale and the others had seemed to like the idea, so he’d agreed.

He’d drawn the last rotation, which suited him fine. It had given him more time to find something suitable. But eventually he’d found what he thought was the perfect program, so now that it was his turn, he was excited to show it off.

The others were on time for once, and they were gathered around him in the holodeck, so it was now or never.

Here goes nothing, he thought.

“Computer,” he said aloud. “Load Dal Crew Program One Point Three.”

“One point three?” asked Jankom.

“It took a few tries to get it just right,” said Dal, shushing him.

A moment later, the crew was surrounded by clear water, towering trees, and rolling mountains.

“It’s beautiful,” cooed Rok and Zero simultaneously as Murf chirped at Dal’s feet.

“Where is it?” asked Gwyn.

“This,” said Dal proudly, “is Lake George.”

“Is it Earth?” asked Jankom.

Dal nodded. “Yeah. Yeah, it’s Earth.”

“I like it,” said Jankom, “but is it just for looking at, or…”

He trailed off, and Dal chuckled. “Well, it’s nice to just sit sometimes, but there’s plenty to do. Here, let me show you.”

Dal then pointed out the boats, hiking trails, and recreational areas scattered about the lake.

They spent the rest of the afternoon exploring. Rok learned about birdwatching. Zero took an interest in the mountains. Dal and Gwyn sailed out to a rocky island and back. And who knew Tellarites liked to swim so much?

All in all, it was a lovely day, and when it was over, Dal smiled as he laid down in bed.

He hadn’t told the crew how he’d come across Lake George, but in the end, he didn’t think it mattered.

Still, he wanted to acknowledge it now.

“Thanks, Janeway,” he muttered.

Then he turned over and slept.

And if a holographic adviser gently smiled somewhere in the matrix, so be it.

fanfic, star trek prodigy

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