Today was a bad day. Which means I am going to write about something else.
Circuit City is taking advantage of lazy people. If you can out-smart someone of their money, more power to you. But, in this case, I think that they are taking advantage of the holiday madness, the stressed shoppers, and the traditional implied rules of the bargain deals. If you know me well, you'll know that I like DVDs, I also like comedy. Usually the traditional implied rule according to 'Double Feature' deal or any 2-pack of DVDs is that one movie is good, and one movie is kinda good. One of the movies you might buy on its own, and the other you might watch every once in a while, but you wouldn't buy it on its own, and in return you would get two movies at a good price, right? Wrong. I went to see Dodgeball this summer, and I really liked it. Another great, despite the fact its a little old, is Office Space. Everyone loves Office Space! So there's no way they would put these two together in a terrific two pack at a great price, right? Right. This is a link to Office Space on sale at Circuit City for $15.99 on DVD. This is already a bit of a rip-off, seeing that the movie came out in 1999, and most of the time you can get a good deal on old favorite, so wouldn't want to pay more than $9.99. But whatever, the price is 15.99. That's a link to Dodgeball, also on sale at Circuit City. This DVD is $14.99, which is a pretty good deal for a new release. So the price for this is 14.99.
So $15.99 + $14.99 = $30.98. So in order to be a decent two-pack the price of the set must be less than $30.98, right? $34.99
$34.99? That's more than both bought seperately! DON'T BUY THIS PACKAGE DEAL!!! I COULDV'E JUST SAVED YOU $4.01!
be grateful.
This financial tip is just what you needed. Don't let Circuit City stick it to you. I don't even care if you comment, just double check your prices.