
Jan 02, 2008 21:31


You are me at a party, you've just been punched in the face by your friends girlfriend who everyone dislikes.

Do you:

a)Punch her back
b)Call the police
c)Steal the last of her bottle of drink as compensation and payment for not doing a or b.

I only ask, as despite everyone so far telling me i picked the best option of the 3. I'm apparently the lowest of the low for doing option c. According to said friend and girlfriend.

Now i was under the impression that punching women in the face made you the lowest of the low. No matter how well they can handle themselves in a fight.

So, firstly i ask you all if that was the best option of the 3. And secondly i ask you what do i do now, she's even demanding her bottle back....

Do i:

a) Buy a new bottle and return the drink, apologising profusly for being punched in the face.
b) Return the drink and then do either option a or b of the previous.
c) Nothing, just cut off all ties because they arn't worth knowing even tho they are in the "circle of friends" that always go to events together with me.
d) Something else.
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