a life as ordinary

Oct 22, 2006 15:07

yesterday seemed fated. one of those days when you know you're on a schedule but you don't know the who's where's and when's you're supposed to be. i woke up late (like i do every saturday) and took my car in to have the brakes fixed (again.)

"don't bother waiting around here" the desk guy said. "it's going to be a few hours before we even look at it." so glad i made an appointment ahead of time.
i had no where to be and no one to come get me even if i had, so i decided to let go and just float with the tide of the day.

i walked about a half mile up the road to good local coffee shop (Susan's for those of you familiar with kent) went inside, found a corner booth to camp in and spent a few hours drinking pumpkin chai and reading Haruki Murakami's "A Wild Sheep Chase."
i love Murakami for the beauty of his mundanity. his characters aren't special, yet their magnetism is undeniable.

reading Murakami has always made me feel elegant. his ability to pull filigree from the functionality of the structure of everyday life is his real gift.
he makes me feel like i could be attractive despite the fact that i have to trim my nose hair to keep it from poking out below my nostrils.

i left Susan's and walked across the street to Kent State's beautifully lightly wooded front campus where i was greeted by flocks of squirrels scouring the ground in preperation for the winter. at one point i counted 32 without turning my head.
there's something about wooded areas in the fall that has always seemed like home to me. (ooh, a link)

after wandering around a bit, (another one) i found myself in the Hub, (the main eating area in Kent's campus center) all the girls looked exactly the same; tall and slim, wearing white or khaki capri pants and some form of high high-heeled shoes. their hair was long and straight as their figures, dark and pulled back in a pony tail. like uniforms mandated in the rules of some game i'd lost the box top to a long time ago.

i couldn't get comfortable around them so i went to the book store and bought a book of neruda's poetry. Chile is the land in my mind where men sprout wings and glide up mountain winds to see the sun gleaming off of the Andes snowy peaks and woman walk barefoot along the beach with bottles of wine and bedroom eyes. my mind was much closer to Chile than it was to the campus center.

i went back to share the rest of the afternoon with the nature (linky)and listen to the wind sliding leaf over leaf like bed sheets shifting, warm and inviting. (linky) i thought about what it would be like sharing a bed with a certain someone in the Chile of my mind. hearing the covers rustle behind me and feeling the sudden warmth of skin against skin as she rolls over behind me. the beauty of ordinary life.
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