Jul 05, 2005 23:03
The 4th of July was one of the best I have had! (well, except for being in Australia a year ago during the 4th). Angie, her parents, and I went up to swim at Northbend! It was really great. I got an awesome tan that day. We came back and had Linner.
Today we got the MRI results back from Gran. She is very healthy except for a few cysts on her organs. Nothing for anyone to worry over. She is great to go. At least she got all of her arrangements ready.
I went out to WVUP today and scheduled my classes. I am having the rest of the results sent to me as their system locked up and I didn't feel like wasting the entire day.
Aunt Pam drove up and surprised everyone as she was going to come tomorrow to see us.
I shipped off the Cd's and made 200 bucks then I put a few items on eBay to sell and within an hour they had bids on them :) YES
I made a few things for us to eat today, nothing super - Pasta salad and brownies. Everyone really liked it.
Friday I am off to see my ex boyfriend Chad. I am super excited as I haven't seen him since... wow, a long time. I have no clue how I'm going to act or if this is even a date or what. He is the greatest guy I have ever met and I'm hoping we still have that chemistry that makes me weak in the knees.