Nov 18, 2010 20:18
Okay. I cannot decide if I am just being irrationally grumpy cow about this (it IS possible) but my current fandom is driving me a little nuts.
I have very carefully stayed utterly spoiler free for season 3 of Sanctuary. This has been a heck of a test of will power and I even gave up twitter completely because I'd rather do that then let spoilers harsh my squee.
However I am noticing a lack of consideration in the fandom. There are lots of small but inconsiderate careless spoilers floating around. People seem to assume that the MINUTE an ep has finished airing in the US it's fair game.
The UK only has to wait until Tuesday granted but it's the principle of the thing. (And my God people can you not at least wait 4 days?!)
I have always maintained that people should have a choice about whether to be spoiled or not and it's starting to grate on my nerves that people aren't giving me a choice.
Icon post teasers. Fic notes. Someone even posted a cap from an ep outside an lj cut within 24 hours of the ep airing.
Anyhoos the gist is I can't decide whether to dust off my grouchy fandom bitch hat and post on a comm about this and risk the wrath of a mod or just quietly fume in the corner. Maybe I'm hyper sensitive because I literally know NOTHING. I don't know.
the war against spoilers,
when fandoms attack