Geeez..long time, no update!

May 15, 2006 06:42

Seriously, I had not clue it was 4/21 since my last update!! Poor, deprived lj!! I think the reason I haven't been updating is because my life has been pretty There are some cool things that have happened though!:D

---Went to spring banquet, it was really fun, but so short!! I had to wear a strapless bra & the only one my mom could find for a reasonable price was one that you had to tape to yourself. Needless to say, I will never again wear something so uncomfortable in my entire life!! Afterwards, we went to RV with April & Steve. I thought that movie was going to be retarded!! I actually thought it was pretty Maybe it was from sleep deprivation!!

---I have picked up applications from Claires, Barnes & Noble, SuperPets, Berean, and Michaels..Can you tell that I really need a summer job?!?! I need to turn in those applications ASAP!

---This is the last week of regular school! Next week I will probably only have to take one exam on Wed. because Seniors don't have to take exams if you have a 90 average with only three excused absences second semester! It's not that I'm doing bad in ECON, but I'm getting a 85 which is not a 90 obviously.

---I'm going to Olive Garden tonight for dinner with Seniors from the Core..That should be cool.:)

---I did closing for Bible..I printed of a picture for each person in my Bible class that describes them. Then I wrote a little sentence or two for them & gave them either a purple or gold necklace..I think it went well!:P
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