Ch-ch-ch-changes ...

Jan 27, 2017 09:01

The "New Year, new me" craze has begun again.

I am trying the Paleo diet in earnest this time. So far, it has paid off. Coming up on the end of my third week, and I'm down almost 20 pounds. I still miss cheese, though.

I've deleted the Facebook app off my phone. I'm pretty much only on Facebook on my phone; I can't use a work computer to access it and I don't use the laptop at home for the most part. I've just gotten so sick of the current political climate. Both sides of the aisle are being petulant children. "I'm right and you're wrong!" followed by fingers in the ears and "la-la-la-la!" No, not every last person is doing it, but enough so that my feed was choked.

But since I still feel the need to blog, and because I feel like blogging and not "liking" or "reacting to" posts, I'm back on LJ. (Although I posted to the boyfriend's wall to wish him a happy birthday and in checking to make sure it went through, I saw I had 27 notifications. I didn't check them, though, so I'm calling it a win.

I did keep messenger, though, because communication is still welcome.

Back to work ... back to work ...
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