(no subject)

Mar 24, 2009 00:20


They are available wherever fine video disks are sold. But most especially at Williams Street and Amazon, where I hope your orders will drive our sales rank to at least something above Jillian Michaels' "30 Day Shred."

The Blu-Ray edition includes a bonus disk featuring The Venture Bros. Soundtrack by JG Thirlwell. The soundtrack album can be purchased and downloaded digitally on its own in a number of places, but the only place you can buy the actual, physical CD separately right now is here. They also have a special, limited edition (and slightly abridged) vinyl release available.


Jeez, a lot has happened since I last posted. Which is pretty much why I haven't posted. Much happening equals much busy--busy making The Venture Bros. for you! First things first...


Or, rather, we've cleft it in twain. But, like the fabled Planarian worm of so many junior high school biology experiments, rather than dry up and die on your desk, each half of Season 4 has grown. Instead of producing 13 episodes in a row--which would have killed us and/or forced us to delay the premiere until January or February of 2010--we've decided to split the season into two halves of eight episodes each. So Season Four Volumes 1 & 2 (as I like to refer to them) will comprise a total of 16 episodes. Volume 1 will hit the airwaves this fall--October or November, I'm not sure yet. We're are just about to wrap up pre-production on those eight and will start getting them back from Korea next month. In the meantime, it's back to our laptops for me and Doc to write the eight scripts which will someday be known as The Venture Bros. Season Four Volume 2, which we'll begin producing this June with an eye towards a June, 2010 premiere.


We've done a few interviews lately. Here are a couple of them:

Animation World Magazine

ToyFare Magazine
(includes a bunch of super-old doodles I pulled out of a box in the bottom drawer of my desk. The print edition has many more of these)

Newsarama.com This was an on-camera interview we did in the magnificent Sky Box, high above the Jacob Javits Center during this year's New York Comic Con. I had an incredibly bad flu that day (Doc was fortunate enough to catch it from me several days later, when no cameras were there to capture it for super-forever internet posterity), but "the show must go on" and all that crap. Marvel, if you will, at the deep-socketed, soul-dead eyes of a man pumped so full of DayQuil he hardly has anything useful to say, and his writing partner just wants to talk about Bam-Bam. We die for you a little bit each day, Ventureroos! Now give us your money!

We Love You,

P.S. More updates coming soon. For now, here's a neat background painting.

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