Title: between a special kind of hell and a fantastic sort of heaven
Format: Fic
userPairing(s): Stiles/Jackson
Rating: PG-13
Length: 2,730 words
Warnings/Contains: angst with a happy ending, workaholic!Jackson, miscommunication, future fic
Notes: This was written based on
a tumblr prompt that just made me think of Stiles and Jackson. Because Jackson is that person who would work SO HARD for approval at his job and then turn around and realize that he'd really fucked up at home. This is basically hot off the fingertips, with absolutely no editing, so I apologize for any typos or inconsistencies.
Summary: Starting a new job can be a special kind of hell.
Link(s) to the Fic:
on AO3 |
on DW |
on LJ