Title: I Hope You Don't Hate Me For the Surprise
Format: Fic
trysloraPairing(s): Stiles/Jackson
Rating: PG-13
Length: 1,509 words
Warnings/Contains: birthdays, surprises, dysfunctional family, past mpreg
Notes: I started writing this for Stackson week, and then I promptly failed to finish it in time so it's being posted a few days late. And hey, there might have been a week celebrating the pairing, but it is ALWAYS a good time for more Stackson, right? This is part of the
Sex Is a Conversation Between You and Me series. As always, I do not own the world nor characters of Teen Wolf, I just like to play with them.
Summary: It's Jackson's birthday and Stiles hasn't forgotten. And he may have planned a surprise. Or two.
Link(s) to the Fic:
on AO3 |
on DW |
on LJ