Jan 29, 2009 06:08
OH EM GEE. I finally learned to give injections.
So we were tested on giving three kinds of injections. The first is the intradermal which deposits the medication in the epidermis of the skin. A TB test is an example. Then comes the intramuscular and the chosen site was the deltoid. Lastly, subcutaneous injection where you inject into the fatty tissues of the body. Here we were to inject into the back of the arm...
Kim and I were partners. She was to go first. We weren't injecting medication but instead distilled water and this vitamin C solution. Ok so for the intradermal, it was the vitamin C so it's like this pee colored liquid hanging out in the syringe.
I'm watching her inject and the needle going in was ok. It didn't hurt me. But FUCKING A, the vitamin C going into the thinest layer of the skin hurt like a bitch. I actually shouted out "OH FUCK." I was surprised. Maybe because we're just students injecting on each other or maybe because the wheal made was the size of a dime, is the reason for the pain. It also bled for a million years. Then Kim drew a circle around it, so after thirty minutes we could measure if the wheal got bigger to see if I was allergic to Vit C.
After the ouchness, it was my turn to do the same to Kim. It was epic fail you guys. So epic fail, but hilarious. My first shot wasn't in all the way, so when I pushed the plunger some of the solution squirted and arced onto Kim's shoulder. She shouted and I pulled out. Um... Yeah. She thought it was blood. Ok, second attempt didn't end as bad as the first but still the solution leaked out and I had to try again. Thank God, third time was the charm. Or whatevs. Got it right. Giving me the lowest score out of all my nursing skill scores this sem's lab.
The IM injection was what I was used to. But you guys. Having 0.5 mL of distilled water injected into your deltoid HURTS. Nothing like a vaccine. But it turned my whole world round and I kinda like it. The speed at which the nurse pushes the plunger has some effect on the level of pain.
Also the instructor has to watch you so, a needle is just hanging out in your arm until he says that the student nurse didn't hit a vein. My attempt was lame since I was nervous and my hands were shaking. I did pretty well though. Kim did give a little shout as I entered... (Really guys, I'm not trying to make this sound sexual.) And it hurt more when I injected the water. Afterwards, her deltoid started doing the wave or having a seizure or something...
Now the subcutaneous. Out of the three I'd have to say this hurt the most because the pain stayed around longer. Kim also forgot to alternate the injections so all three were in my left arm. Which is why it sucked to go second. I had to shake off the pain in my arm and had to calm myself down.
Yep. The SQ injection gave me some problems as well. Like You go in at a 45 degree angle. The needle wasn't going in (since I was scared of hurting Kim) so that my instructor said to push harder. I did and it finally went in. I just wanted to get it over with so I pushed the plunger quickly and pulled out. So then Kim started bleeding like a mother fucker. And I freaked and covered it with a swab so that my instructor wouldn't see that maybe I had went in too deep and hit a vein. That or Kim needs more Vitamin K since apparently her blood can't coaggulate for shit.
So after thirty minutes my forearm was turning red and the wheal grew out of the circle. I was wondering if that meant I was allergic to Vitamin C which is just STUPID. Then I wouldn't be able to eat oranges... And could you really be allergic to a vitamin? Me thinks not.
Also I passed my Physics exam. YAY. I got like an 80. And of course... I killed all my other exams. Top scorer my friends, top scorer...
adventures in filipino