Sick on Friday

Jul 10, 2009 23:38

I have been enjoying the shit out of a head-cold today. Most symptoms are relatively dissipated by Affrin and an Cold & Sinus pills, however I'm left with that weird half-cocked medicinal haze. However, I caught two movies I'd been intending to see, Pi and Requiem for a Dream. I have to say Darren Aranofsky is a depressing fuck. I've seen three of his films now (The Wrestler) and 66% left me feeling quite awful. All of the movies stick with you and are very well crafted (also, Aranofsky is a huge fan of jump-cut sequences of people popping pills and rituals), but The Wrestler hangs heavy with dread throughout, the bright spot being the few moments of happiness Randy finds. And Requiem for a Dream falls victim to a few visual tricks that have aged very poorly (and may potenitally have come from the Longview music video). Main point being, Pi is fucking interesting. Also, it's got some meaty fodder for a budding anti-semite.

If your kid might hate Jews, show them Pi and tell them it's a true story.

Also, I finished some tweaks to my website:

This is it!
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