2010 Was

Dec 31, 2010 23:46

2010 was a year of firsts for me. I was not an easy year by any means but you have to take the good with the bad, and I've had plenty of both.Though I'd rather focus on the good things. This was the year that I fully immersed myself in the furry fandom and really felt free with my sexuality and I honestly think that I'm better for it.

I attended my first furry convention this year, Anthrocon. Though I've been told that having AC be my first con is like "losing your virginity in a gang rape", but I'm glad I went. I met one of my closest friends in person for the first time there, Singing Penguin, and made a lot of other new friends that I'm very lucky to have gotten to know.

I actually got to travel some this year. I flew to Pittsburgh, PA. My first time ever on an airplane. I took a Odyssey of a road trip with a very interesting wolf, Lupine Silvertail,to MFF. Though the hours were long and the weather less than agreeable, I enjoyed myself. Made new friends at MFF that I hope to see more of this year.

And possibly the most important thing to me this year was meeting so many beautiful and amazing people via Twitter. It's funny I never honestly thought that I could consider people that I haven't even met in person as some of my closest friends and I may even go so far as to say family. But here I am thinking just that. I love you guys, you've made a remarkable difference in my life whether you realize it or not. <3

So this coming year, I hope to attend as many cons as I can and to meet as many of you guys as I can and for those I have met I want to get to know you better.

new year, future, hopes, 2010, thank you, love, friends

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