
Aug 29, 2010 03:35

My life as of late has been a monotonous one. The same routine work and come home, with the occasional good time thrown in. I really want to change that. To get out more and meet new people.

I have trouble connecting with people, I always have, since I was a kid. I don't know how to talk to people and end up looking pretty stupid when I can't say anything. All the friends I have I've met through a mutual third party. I tend to hold tight to those few friends...but now they all seem to be going off and meeting new people and moving on to bigger better lives, while I've shut myself away on a computer. Meeting people face-to-face is difficult, online it's much easier. I tend to freeze when it comes to talking and I spend all my time being nervous and self-conscious and it just makes it worse when I can't speak.

When you build walls to keep yourself from getting hurt, you effectively create your own prison. I've been locked up too long. I think getting out doing more stuff and meeting new people it would be good for me, it’d help me break out of my shell a bit and open up.

So if anyone is interested in hanging out and doing whatever just message me, but give me at least a weeks notice so I can arrange my schedule at work. =D

travel, opening up, sheltered, friends, self

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