Jul 23, 2004 15:49
HOLY CRAP!!!!!!! it's been a long tiome since the last time i updated. Guess what happened between then and now...........................NOTHING!!!!!!(what a surprise) Well, actually a lot of minor stuff has been going on. I made softball all stars, and i'm taking voice lessons from deb! That's pretty much all that has happened except for thati got a job.Or ..actually i apllied for one at joey 's pizza. i hope i get it cause i really need some money. well, that's pretty much it for now i guess i'll write again when something interesting happens! YOU SHOULD ALL GO TO LINDSEY ANDREW'S PARATAY! TTHE INFO IS IN THE COMMENT BELOW! wh00t! IT' SHOULD BE THE BEST PARTAY EVER.! well i'm off now. ttul! lurve you all!