Jun 11, 2004 10:26
well, since it's too early to update about today and i didn't update about yesterday, i'm going to tell you what happened yestruday. sooo heres what happened. NOTHING!!! i sat around all day and watched spirited away and play harry potter and the chamber of secerts. At about 2 i went to my gradnparents and hung around with my gram. i painted my gram's nails (as she asked me too) and then i went home. whan i got home it was too late to go for a walk so sorry kristin!!!! Maybe today!
well i'm off i have a humungous list of things to clean around the house. I swear my parents love it when i'm not in school, because they take advantage of it and make me clean the whole freaking house ARG! I HATE PARENTS!
well, i'm done for now. i'll update later and tell you what happened today. ttul! lurve you all!