The day has arrived! Huzzah!
Just a reminder to those like me still finishing their fics or doing final touches from the beta to send your finished fics to jacksamfriends at gmail dot com. Deadline is anytime today (yeah, we're vagueish on time zones, if it's "today" somewhere in the world, it's cool. If you have to drop out, please let us know that too).
Details may be found here.
In the meantime, we've already got some lovely entries and should be starting to plug them into the comm sometime in the near future. Read, enjoy, feedback! (but expect a delay on any fb response since our poor authors can't reveal their identities yet).
Please feel free to spread the word about
jacksamfriends joy, but if you are a fanwork creator, PLEASE don't link to your specific story until we reveal the author-names next week.