Me: I've been spending too much time lately watching swing videos on youtube. It makes me think of you.
Jess: just doing our taxes. And I better love it cause we owe a ton. I'm sure you guys can relate
Me: I miss it so much. :)
Jess: with being self employed
Jess: ME TOO!
Jess: We need to try to go
Jess: those were some of the best times of my life
Jess: so fun
Me: Yeah, self employed taxes suck so hard. We pay estimates all year long, quarterly, and we STILL owe every stinkin time. I hate it.
Jess: AAACK. I paid ONCE this year
Me: We just have it set up that way with our tax man
Jess: Hopefully having a baby helps? But I'm sure it's still rough
Jess: We need to pay more regularly
Jess: Would make it easier around April
Me: I have no idea. Haha. I don't do them. Last time I did, it was one of those easy peasy online ones and I got money back every year because I worked like a dog and went to school.
Jess: Right?!
Jess: We have an accountant
Me: Adult life is hard.
Jess: I think they start you out getting money out when you're younger
Me: lolol
Jess: So that you get excited even when you are older for tax time
Jess: and then you realize you have to pay haha
Me: "I bought such and such with my tax return."
Jess: AHAHahaha
Jess: I have friends who get like 5,000
Jess: but it's weird cause they are on food stamps?
Jess: I don't ask questions
Jess: haha
Jess: Have y'all talked about when you're going to have another? :D
Me: Oh man. I'd be like, that's groceries for 6 months. Don't even front. That big screen TV better be made of bologna sandwiches...
Jess: hahahahaaAHAHA
Jess: I just laughed so hard
Me: ;)
Jess: Their kid's favorite food is LOBSTER
Jess: YES
Me: Something is broken there
Jess: I am happy that there is help available out there. But maaan
Me: Glad my friends don't share these sort of shenanigans with me. I'd be like, gimme my tax money back.
Me: Ha
Jess: ahahaha
Jess: Ricky and I still need to figure the whole budget thing out
Me: Right. I grew up on welfare and food stamps. I know they can be legit. But srsly. People are jerks sometimes.
Jess: We spent $800 on food last month
Me: Yeaaaah. We spend a lot on food too.
Jess: Ugh.
Me: Sort of hard to hold yourself back when you're a bunch of foodies.
Jess: We really don't spend money on anything else. Like we are tight wads about everything else
Me: Ha
Me: At least it balances out.. Right?
Me: Haha
Jess: Yes! Our clothes may be falling off, but we eat well
Me: Hahahaha
Jess: And Ricky works construction. SO he needs a lot of calories
Jess: ya know?
Jess: Like I can't just send him to work with a turkey sandwich
Me: Hmmmm, modesty? Oh no no. More filet mignon.
Jess: ahahahah
Me: Even better for his clothes to be falling off@@@
Jess: LOOOVE it
Jess: somehow our talks on here always evolved into this
Jess: evolve
Me: Haha
Me: They sort of do in person too
Me: ;)
Jess: we are supposed to have naked movie night actually
Jess: i make him watch a movie with me with no clothes on
Jess: usually tuesday nights
Jess: it doesn't always lead to anything
Jess: But I just like being naked and watching a movie
Jess: I got the idea from a friend
Me: That's amazeballs
Jess: You guys have been married for???
Me: Dang girl.
Jess: 7 years?
Me: You're a fiend. ;) ;)
Me: Uhhh..
Jess: I know right??!
Jess: I'm starting to calm down
Jess: hehe
Me: We were married in 2008
Me: You are not
Me: Don't lie
Jess: so almost 7 years?
Jess: hehehehe
Me: Yeah, 7 this August
Jess: i grab his butt like 3 times a day
Jess: wow
Jess: seven years!
Jess: That's amazing
Me: Oh come on. That's small potatoes. Gotta go for the junk grab once in a while. ;) Keeps it interest
Me: ing
Jess: aaaahahaha
Jess: i'm giggling so much
Jess: you're fun
Jess: I only have a few friends out here who like sex
Jess: :(
Jess: it's interesting
Me: I sometimes play the game, like, what is that? Is that a ball? Is that a ball? No? It feels like a ball. How can it be the penis, it's all folded and smashed? Doens't that hurt? Don't worry, I'll help.
Jess: aaahahahhahhh
Jess: You are great
Me: ;)
Me: Dude, I really like the naked movie idea.
Jess: Yes
Jess: It's wonderful
Jess: it's super relaxing
Jess: I don't know why
Me: Being naked is awesome.
Me: That's why
Jess: something about laying around naked is just so nice
Jess: Like, this is what it must be like at a nudist colony
Jess: I bet it's relaxing
Me: Haha! I saw a lady drop trou at a beach once.
Jess: wow
Jess: where?
Jess: (jessica writing this down so she can go there)
Jess: just kidding
Me: It wasn't even a nude beach. It was somewhere around here ish. I forget which beach. BUt she saw us there with kids anf stuff, we were with some friends, and she just drops everything and starts swaying/dancing in the water
Me: And she was like... saggy
Me: It was not that cool
Jess: aaahaha
Jess: Have you ever run in the Bay to Breakers?
Jess: That's like a nude race
Jess: My MOM took me the first time
Jess: well about 10% of the people are nude
Me: Not that I have a problem with kids seeing boobs and dicks. Everyone has them, they aren't something to be ashamed of. But woah lady. Give a little warning
Me: I have not done that, no
Jess: Ok, it's 10. . .gotta go get this show on the road!!!!!!
Jess: speaking of nudes
Jess: Love ya miss ya!
Me: Do the ball game. It's fun. ;) Have a good night. And tell Ricky I said you're welcome. ;) ;)
Jess: aaahahha
Jess: I'll check back in. ;)
Me: Make sure you do. (Wiggles eyebrows)