Character Information
Name: Ianto Jones
Nickname/aliases: Yan (but he might glare at you depending on who says it.)
Canon: Torchwood
Canon Type: Television show
Character's LJ:
jacks_ganymede Brief history of your character:
Ianto Jones is a 26 year old man who is Welsh, living in Cardiff, Wales, United Kingdom. He is part of a secret, literally underground organization dedicated to protecting the world from alien threats and a rip in time and space called the ‘Rift’.
Four episodes into the first season of the show, it is revealed that Ianto Jones is hiding his girlfriend, Lisa Hallet, in the Torchwood bases basement trying to save her from becoming an alien called a “cyberman”. Truthfully, it is too late for her, but Ianto’s love for her runs so deep he’s willing to do anything to save her, even go behind the backs of those he calls friends. While he is not able to save her, he does eventually admit it was too late for her and begins the mourning process as he should have when he first lost her.
While the series started with Ianto desperate to save Lisa, this is not the way it ended. After the seventh episode, presumably months after Lisa’s death, subtle hints begin to be dropped about the nature of Ianto’s relationship with the main character and leader of the Torchwood Institute, Captain Jack Harkness. While their relationship is far beyond platonic, it is within popular belief that while Ianto and Jack where always attracted to each other, even before the Lisa fiasco; these “get-togethers” didn’t mean a whole lot to either party at first. It is believed that emotions did grow between the two men, however, neither wanted to admit it - Ianto, most likely not wholly comfortable with the thought he was in love with his very male boss, and Jack not keen on developing feelings for someone he would eventually see die, Jack being immortal.When the second and third seasons came around, it became more and more evident that what the two were feeling was much deeper then they had ever expected.
At the end of the second season two of the five characters in Torchwood died leaving only Ianto, Jack and Gwen, another member of Torchwood. A few months later, the entire Earth was taken from orbit by the Daleks. While Jack went to help The Doctor, Ianto and Gwen stayed behind to fight the Daleks and then later help bring the Earth back home using the base’s machines and the Rift.
While jokingly stated in one of the episodes, it's not too far off to state Ianto acts very much like Torchwood's butler. He makes the coffee for the team, cleans up after them, both figuratively in the form of cover stories, and literally, and (tries) to keep everything as organized as can be. Other then his 'office' duties, Ianto also has experience in the field from tracking down weevils and handling other instances, especially during the 'three month' period Jack was missing and again after Owen and Tosh died. Most recently since Tosh was the tech support of the group, Ianto has had to pick up where she left off, being the most savvy with Torchwood's computers after her. Brief synopsis of your character's personality :
Ianto is, generally, a very private person. He prefers to keep the nasty details of the past in the past, and when someone asks, he glazes over the details. He likes to keep things organized, especially at work, and is always very thorough in what he does. If there is something to be done to help someone else, Ianto will do it without hesitation and without question.
However, his morals play a large part in his decisions and if something doesn’t make sense to him, he won’t do it, no matter who tells him to.
On the other side of that, if he has downtime, he’ll enjoy it like any other person, preferring to relax, read, drink, and spend time with his cat, Moses.
Ianto is very cynical and uses sarcasm like a knife. No matter the mood he’ll almost always have a witty comment ready. Ianto may be cynical, but he isn’t uncaring, in fact, Ianto would sacrifice his safety for a lovers or friends in a heartbeat. He’s very loyal to those he considers close to him, mainly because, while growing up, he really only had his friends to rely on.
Because Ianto had an abusive father, he doesn’t really know what to do around children and has developed a hatred for violence from those in a position of power. While on the surface Ianto is respectful towards everyone he meets, no one really gets his full respect until they’ve proven that they’ve earned it, which generally requires the other to be a generally good and confident person
Age: 25
Appearance : Ianto’s a brunet with striking blue eyes, he’s pretty tall at 6 feet and, while not the skinniest thing, he is still fit. One thing about Ianto’s appearance is that he always likes to look ‘put together’ and is almost always wearing a suit.
Game Information
What is the point of your character's canon in which you are introducing your character? : A few weeks before season three.
Is your character alive or dead at the point of entry to the game?: Alive
What skills does your character have?:
^Making the perfect coffee
^Breaking and entering
^Dedication to the task at hand
v/^ Cutting use of sarcasm
^ Good at hacking into things
^ Can escape from rope bindings
Your character will find 10 personal items in their room that the island has placed there. You may only include things that your character would have canonically. Please list them here.:
• Stopwatch
• Diary
• His Torchwood ID
• His gun
• His Cat, Moses
• A picture of Rhiannon and her family
• A picture of the entire team (including Tosh and Owen)
• A necklace belonging to Lisa
• His coffee machine
• A guitar from when he was a teenager that he had tucked away in some closet.
Intro Post:
It had been a quiet night, no catastrophes, no crisis’s, nothing urgent that required his attention, not tonight anyway. So Ianto was enjoying the peace, nothing but Moses and mindless television to keep him company. Although, he wasn’t above admitting that a visit from Jack wouldn’t be unwanted.
The sound of vibration broke the silence and, glancing over, the cell phone told him that it just so happened to be his Captain calling.
“Good evening, Jack, the world ending yet? No, then what’s up?”
Ianto listened to Jack talk, telling him that he had thought about coming by, but wanted to check first. Ianto couldn’t help but smile at that, despite how forward Jack could be, he would always manage to surprise the young Welshman with a show of chivalry. How could he say ‘no’ to that?
“All right, Captain Harkness, you’ve got…” Ianto looked at the clock, knowing full well images associated with a certain stopwatch would be flashing through his head. “One hour to be here, or the door will be locked.”
Hanging up, Ianto laid back on the couch, Of course the door wouldn’t actually be locked, but it’d be fun to see his usually calm and confident friend rushed and in disarray. He laid a hand on top of the tuxedo cats head as he curled up on Ianto’s chest.
“Well, Moses, shall we see if it really takes him an hour? I wonder what we should do if it takes him longer.”
Chuckling to himself, Ianto let his eyes slide shut as the rumbling from the cat slowly put him to sleep.
The next thing he was aware of was the not so gentle licking Moses was giving his cheek. He batted the cat away and sat up.
“What am I doing on the floor?”
And since when was his living room hardwood floor? This wasn’t right. Looking around he instantly knew this wasn’t his flat, in fact, he’d never seen the place at all before.