Dec 26, 2012 05:44
I've had a lovely christmas, ate far far too much, got pissed as hell, absolutely spoilt rotten this is why I'm just going to leave it here.
because I know how Downton Abbey ends, I knew weeks ago but I cannot actually bare it, tv went out on the 24th and I've had to download everything because of the shitty reception but I'll have to watch it tomorrow with my family and I can't do it, because if I never watch Downton again Matthew will live forever IRRATIONALLOGIC.
The tears, the snot the real life sorrow, nope, not doing it.
I've actually started chewing my fingernails again and I haven't been able to since 2008, I've got half a bottle of Vodka and two bottles of wine left, how much will I have to drink to not absolutely ruin myself publicly over the death of a fictional character.